ABCnumérique - services de numérisation de documents


Digital transformation

Aim for a new era ... the digital age!

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Digitizing services

Aim for a paperless office !

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Web3 Services

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3 good reasons to do business with us

Quality at a reasonable cost


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Scanning paper documents

Forfait price
from 0.06$/page
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Scanning paper documents price in Montreal - ABCnumérique is a document and archive digitization laboratory

Your office needs to be airy? In order to improve information management and workspaces, the scanning of paper documents is the efficient solution.

Scanning photos, slides and negatives

Forfait price
from 0.31$/image
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Scanning photos, slides and price negatives in Montreal - ABCnumérique  the digital agency

Who of you does not have paper photos that you will never separate, even for all the money in the world?! Our scanning service of photos, slides and negatives will make them available for click-through.

Enterprise content management (ECM)

Forfait price
from 12$ / month
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Enterprise content management (ECM) - prices and packages

Enterprise content management offers incredible business opportunities that are very flexible and have enormous development potential.

Website design

Forfait price
from 2999$
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Website design price in Montreal - ABCnumérique the digital agency

We design different websites from a simple basic website to a website adapted to your needs. Our solutions are 100% personalized, because every business is unique.

e-Commerce Design

Forfait price
from 5800$
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Design e-Commerce price in Montreal - ABCnumérique the digital agency

Your goal is to increase sales? E-Commerce offers incredible and very flexible business opportunities. Entrust this mandate to our team of professionals!

Digital marketing strategy

Forfait price
from 99$/month
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Digital marketing strategy price in Montreal - ABCnumérique

Let us take care of your digital marketing strategy: communication, web marketing and customer relations. Thanks to this strategic service, your company will be recognized in the Web world and the doors will open to a new clientele.



Développeur back-end

En tant que programmeur back-end je fais la mise en place, la configuration, le développement et la maintenance du serveur, la base de données et l’application web en général. Je suis le développeur de l’ombre sans lequel les sites web et les applications ne pourraient tout simplement pas fonctionner et exister ! J’ai toujours adoré chercher des solutions et implanter de nouvelles technologies pour résoudre les problèmes difficiles. La programmation m’offre ce « délice ».



Créativité numérique

I am a graphic designer and the idea that I can make a digital world to be user friendly and more beautiful motivates me. My work is a part of people online experience thus I feel responsible for customer’s appreciations. In order to make customers to like the final product, I use best software’s and technics. My job motto is: “get beautiful solutions out of tough problems”. I will be very happy to make your business grow !



Ingénieur Front-End

Possédant des fortes compétences en HTML5 et en CSS3, je suis l’ingénieur Front-End d'ABCnumérique. Mes excellentes connaissances des spécificités de chaque navigateur m’aident à créer des sites web agréables et fluides quelle que soit leur configuration. Je crois que chacun d’entre nous pourrait  atteindre le succès si nous sommes dotés d’une énergie débordante et nous démontrons une passion pour notre travail.



Développeur Front-end

Ma mission est de rendre les sites web ergonomiques et accessibles pour les internautes en développant une interface claire, rapide et facile à utiliser. Au quotidien, je m’occupe de programmer l’interface des sites web en fonction du cahier des charges de notre client et des impératifs liés à l’accessibilité et à la compatibilité entre les navigateurs. Donc, c'est la magie que nous utilisons pour faire du Web un meilleur endroit et je suis heureux d'en faire partie.

The latest digital projects completed!

Digitization of administrative documents for Richard and Edith Strauss Foundation - Quebec

« The results are better than I could have expected.  You (and your team) did an excellent job.  Please pass on my thanks to them for such a thorough and accurate job. It was a pleasure working with you and I will contact you again when we have a few more years of records that we can scan and destroy.

Thank you very much and see you next time»

Mrs Joanne Chouinard, Manager, Administration Richard and Edith Strauss Foundation

Scanning of plans and large format by ABCnumérique for Bow Groupe de Plomberie inc.

Large format scanning of your documents is possible every day of the week at our digital laboratory.

The scans of plans or large format are realized in high definition and according to the specifications of the customer.

Thank you for your confidence Bow Groupe de Plomberie inc.

Scanning of archives (photos, documents, slides and negatives) by ABCnumérique

Digitization of Archives: A successful 25-year professional career and many memories have been immortalized forever.

«Thank you for your good work and customer service, both before and after. I really appreciated Mr. Oleg's collaboration and advice. You have immortalized many images, events, encounters and unique and sometimes exceptional moments in the life of a politician."

Mrs Nicole Léger, former Member of Parliament and Minister

Document scanning - ABCnumérique company specializing in document scanning

Digitization of these archives: client files, manuscripts and plans

"We were delighted with the speed, precision and professionalism of ABCnumérique. The service was provided on time, without loss of documents or error, and at a reasonable cost."

Sophie Gagnon, Administrative director


Digitization of the archives of Bell Canada

(documents of different formats)

Digitization of archives by ABCnumérique, a company specialized in document digitization.

Digitization of archives: photos, slides, negatives, exhibition posters and documents in different formats.

"Just a brief note to thank you for the excellent work you have done for us this year."

ELOI MAYANO-VINET,General manager

Tribunal administratif des marchés financiers Québec

Digitization of Tribunal administratif des marchés financiers Québec documents

(digitization of confidential documents)

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